Increased exercise and nutrition - By Brittany

As the restrictions ease, group exercise classes start and the gyms reopen Increased training demands need to be met with the appropriate nutrition for optimal health and performance.

Increased training demands need to be met with the appropriate nutrition for optimal health and performance.

Carbohydrates before training, and during endurance sessions are important for sufficient glycogen stores to avoid fatigue. Ideally consume a meal containing carbohydrates 1-4 hours before exercise.

For longer exercise sessions 60-90 minutes, you will need to consume carbohydrates during your training to prevent a fall in performance and fatigue.

Carbohydrates after training support recovery, replenishing glycogen stores and preventing muscle protein breakdown. Aim for 1-1.2g/kg body weight, ideally within 4 hours post exercise. This will set you up for your next training session to get the most out of it.

Protein consumption after training stimulates muscle synthesis, inhibits protein breakdown, and promotes positive protein balance in the muscle after both resistance and endurance exercise.

Fat is important for health, to absorb fat soluble vitamins and is used during endurance sessions when muscle glycogen stores are depleted. However, carbohydrates are still the most efficient source of energy. Unsaturated fat is recommended over saturated fat.

A balanced diet to meet energy and protein requirements, including a variety of fruit and vegetables is important to meet vitamin and mineral requirements. Increases in training mean that vitamins and minerals are used at a faster rate along with the body's energy requirements. Dietary fibre is important to maintain gut health and the gut microbiome, which has been related to supporting athlete health.




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