One biscuit, two biscuits, three biscuits … Ooops

Are you someone who finds themselves reaching for biscuits every day at 4pm? Trust me, I totally get it. That mid-afternoon slump can be tough to beat, but with a little bit of planning, we can break the biscuit binge cycle, enjoy a couple of biscuits and not the whole packet and make our afternoons a little healthier and a lot more enjoyable!

Before you read on… Biscuits are not the enemy! You can have a couple of biscuits. Repeat after me… You can eat the biscuits! We are just trying to avoid over indulging and be able to enjoy them in moderation

Here are my top tips for stopping the 4pm biscuit binge:

  1. Try some healthier alternatives. If you're a sweet tooth, try a piece of dark chocolate, or make some homemade healthier muffins or snacks that you can freeze and grab when you need a sweet fix. Protein balls is another great example! If you're a savoury fan, have some veggie sticks with hummus, a whole grain cracker with avocado or a hand full of nuts that will keep you fuller for longer.

  2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Make sure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially in the afternoons. This will help you feel more energised and less likely to reach for a sugary snack.

  3. Plan ahead. Pack yourself a snack, like a fruit, a handful of nuts or a cereal bar to have on hand when the biscuit cravings hit. If you are at home set aside your snacks so that when the mid afternoon slump hits you know what you are going to eat.

  4. Get moving. Take a quick walk around the block and get some fresh air. The physical activity will give you a boost of energy and help you avoid reaching for those biscuits.

Stay Happy & Healthy x

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