Benefits of exercising in the great outdoors…

Firstly, and most importantly, being outdoors is great for our mental health and ensuring that we remain grounded and stay connected to the outside world. The positive effects of being around nature and facing the elements is only then increased when you combine that with the endorphin boosting act of exercise.

These are just a few of so many perks to exercising outdoors…

Fresh air:

I find that I instantly feel more awake and alert once ive made it out the door. The natural breeze will keep you cool as your workout heats up.

Vitamin D:

When the sun decides to make an appearance get out and make the most of it. Feel the warmth of the winter sun on your skin and remember spring is just around the corner...

Screen break:

If WFH has you bound to your laptop, take this time, no matter how brief, to get away from your screens. Yes that includes your phone!


The great outdoors isn't called great for nothing. Forget running up and down your stairs or burpees in your living room. Get outside and jog, walk, cycle and take in the fresh air.


Only the best for you!☕️


Banana Cake With Dulche de leche frosting