Tips for running …

1. SAFETY - Wear high viz clothing and if running alone carry a phone or tell someone where you are going.

2. DO IT - The hardest part is going out of the front door when it is gloomy or wet but once you get going you will be glad that you have made the effort.
3. ENJOY - Run with music, a friend or just listen to nature - whatever works for you.

4. QUALITY - Run/walk to your own ability and do not go out every day to beat yesterday's time.

5. GOAL - Have a goal or target. It must be realistic and something that will push you, but not push you over the edge!

6. MOTIVATION - If you enjoy your runs and have a goal, motivation should come easily. However, everyone has bad days so do not beat yourself up, it is totally normal! Just get back out there when you can.

7. VARIETY - Choose different routes and distances to make each run a different experience. Also, cross train if you can to add more variety while maintaining fitness.

8. PACE - Run at a pace where you feel comfortable. This will depend on endurance and fitness. If you are a beginner, just try to increase the distance you can run before you have to walk or stop. If you a regular runner, aim to do a short, fast interval session each week to increase speed and a long, slow run to increase mileage and endurance.

9. REST - Rest is as important as training. You increase the risk of injury if you try to do too much too quickly! Also, listen to your body and if you get any pain or niggles, rest for a few days.

10. NUTRITION - Your body needs fuel to run so eat healthily and include all macronutrients in your diet.


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