Micronutrients & What a balanced diet looks. By Britt

What do we get from food? 🧐

Other than food providing us with energy, protein, carbohydrates and fat (macronutrients), all very important for our body to function, of course the social element of food for celebrations, time with family and friends? There is another incredibly important reason for food. MICRONUTRIENTS!

Food provides us with micronutrients - vitamins and minerals that support energy production, building cells, immune function, bone mineral density, skin integrity, hormone production, amongst many other functions.

Different foods and food groups provide a range and combination of micronutrients, which is why it is so important to get a balanced diet. You may hear nutrition and healthcare professionals banging on about a balanced diet but it really is for good reason!

Malnutrition includes micronutrient deficiencies and can occur when not eating enough food, not enough variety or due to conditions leading to malabsorption of nutrients.

Anti-nutrients like phytates and oxalates commonly found in the diet can also prevent absorption of certain micronutrients, which is another reason to aim for a varied and balanced diet.

πŸ’›What does a balanced diet look like?

-5+ fruits and vegetables per day

-Carbohydrates including higher fibre starchy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, potato's, rice.

-Sources of protein like lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes and tofu.

-Include dairy or dairy alternatives

Add unsaturated fats to meals as unsaturated oils in dressings, nuts or seeds.

-Stay hydrated and drink 6-8 cups of fluid a day - can include tea, coffee or milk.

A food first approach should be encouraged but supplements are necessary in some situations or if recommended by a healthcare professional.

In the UK between October and March we need to supplement with Vitamin D and continue to the whole year if not getting much time exposed to the sun 🌞


Grilled Peaches and Prosciutto Ham Salad
